[CellQart]단독 대리점 24well plate 1.0µm PET clear Transwell

페이지 정보

작성자 모비트코리아 댓글 0건 조회 1,810회 작성일 23-04-05 09:19


Transwell의 핵심 기술인 membrain 원 생산지로 C,F 사등에 OEM 공급하고 있는 본사입니다.

더욱 발전된 신제품을 경험 해 보세요.


24-Well Plate 1.0 µm PET clear

24-Well Hanging Inserts fully pre-loaded in Well Plates, PET membrane, pore size 1 µm, clear optics (2 × 106 pores per cm2). The Inserts are tissue culture treated and sterile. The Well Plates are supplied sterile and pre-loaded with cellQART® Cell Culture Inserts. 4 Well Plates fully pre-loaded per box.

  • TC treated membrane
  • Gamma sterilized product
  • 100% membrane parameter consistency
  • Product made in Germany

Technical data

Growth area per Insert:0.3 cm²
Membrane material:Polyethylenterephthalate (PET)
Membrane thickness:11 ± 2 µm
Membrane treatment:Tissue culture treated
Usage:Ideal for in-situ phase contrast microscopy
Pore size:1.0 µm
Membrane optics:Clear
Pore density:2 x 10⁶ pores per cm²
Well size:24-Well
Format:Fully pre-loaded Well Plate
Quantity per box:4 Well Plates, 24 Inserts per Well Plate





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